Francis' haunted house

Francis' haunted house

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Francis's house

Before you live in your house, review its history, my dear. It may have been an old cemetery, or the site and headquarters of a serial killer who took many innocent lives. It may be a place that has witnessed various suicide cases, but in the end, the history of the place remains an important factor, which you must know. So protect yourself from seeing ghosts.

Francis Sorrel: A wealthy man, Francis Sorrel, came to Savannah County in the state of Georgia, where he bought vacant land, then built a huge three-story house on top of it, and attached a large garden to it.

Francis married a girl named Lucinda Moxley, who came from a wealthy family in Georgia. The marriage procedures were completed quickly, but Lucinda died only five years after their marriage, as a result of an illness that struck her, and she died inside her home.

The descendants of the servants in the house narrated that their grandparents had advised Mr. Francis, following the death of his wife, to cover all the mirrors inside the house, as it was common among the local residents, at this time, that spirits inhabited the mirrors, and they might be trapped inside them, if the mirrors were not covered, following the death. For a period of no less than seven consecutive days.

Of course, Francis did not believe in such hadiths and beliefs, so he did not respond to the servants residing in his house, and left everything as it was, thinking that the matter was not just ancient superstitions, passed down through generations.

Frank Sorel: Two years after Lucinda's death, Francis married her sister, Matilda Moskelly, who was 23 years old at the time. By their marriage, Francis' fortune strangely swelled, and he became one of the most important businessmen in Georgia.

Francis had a son named Frank Sorel, and it is not known who his mother was from the two sisters, but Frank had studied and practiced medicine, and here he acquired the first floor of his father’s house, in order to turn it into a clinic for psychological treatment, using modern surgical methods! Strange rituals: No one has yet known how many patients came to Frank’s clinic. He did not record any of the cases that came to him for examination and treatment. However, it was noticeable that some strange things occurred, such as holding small celebrations at home for strange occasions. Somewhat, but what was striking was that such celebrations were not held.

Rather, the servants perfume the house, especially the first floor, the doors separating the first floor, and the basement! By 1865 AD, a minor scandal occurred inside the house, as Matilda discovered that her husband, Francis, had been cheating on her with one of the servants. All she had to do was throw herself from the third floor, landing on the ground in the back garden of the house. A few days later, the accused maid was found. Hanged.

With time, the servants and common residents of the area began to stay away from the house as it was a place for tormented and evil spirits, as the servants noticed some strange things happening, such as the presence of footprints embedded in stones! Strange murmurs and glass breaking appeared in the middle of the night, but the strangest story was about the house guests.

The descendants of the house servants, and a number of local residents, acknowledged that the celebrations held in the house all brought together a number of recurring guests, appearing every time at the celebration, with the same appearance and smiles, as well as movement and roaming within the place, as if they were repeated dramatic details, and none of the local residents were He knows who these people are, and their addresses do not exist in the first place. No one has ever seen them outside the house before, and they were only present a few years before the death of Matilda and the maid.

No one knows yet whether these house guests are jinn? Spirits? Ghosts? No one knows, but this matter represented a stronger motive than before, for everyone to flee from him, and not pass around him either, until Francis Sorel died inside his house, and Frank his son also disappeared, in mysterious circumstances, and for unknown reasons, and the house was sold to Henry Davis Weed.

Facts about the house: It was said that the land on which the Sorel Weed House was built was the site of thousands of deaths during the American War of Independence, meaning that the ground itself was saturated with enough blood.

The house was treated and opened as a museum in 1940 AD for all paranormal and horror enthusiasts, and the place witnesses many visits all the time, on tours to hunt the ghosts of the house and see them. Many visitors told many terrifying stories about this house, as everyone who visited it agreed There is a strange energy in the place.

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