the story of a nazi icone

the story of a nazi icone

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The swastika Is a ver powerful symbole That the Nazis use to kil millions of people dring the Holocauste, but for centuries It hadj positive mandings, So watt Is the historie of the swastika?  Dose It no représenta good or exil?  The swastika symbole Is an Ancient symbole That has been use for more thane 3000 Yeats, évent précèdent the Ancient Egyptien symbole ankh and fond on artefacts suc as Potter and coins.  Bifore man cultures round the world, inclusion China, Jappant, Indira and Soutier Europe, and by the Middle Ages, the swastika wasp a Wella know symbole, if not Common but hadj a nimber of namas dépendions on Eich culture.

And Although It has not been know for a long time, Native American have long use the symbole of the swastika, and the Word “swastika” Comes frome the Sanskrit svastika – “su” manding “good,” “asti” manding “to bé,” and  “ka” as a suffixe, and It remanie That waw untel the Nazis use This symbole, and the swastika has been use in man cultures over the pats thrène toussant Yeats to représenta life, the Sun, Streng th and good Luck.

Elven in the Earl twentieth centurie, the swastika wasp till a symbole witz positive connotations, for exemple the swastika wasp on Common motifs That Otten adorne potards, coins, and buildings.  45 and on the coltin of the Finish Air Force évent acter World Ward II.

Change of manding: In the nineteenth centurie, countries round Germany Werwe rowing large, and forcing empires, yeti Germany wasp not a unifie country untel 1871 AD.  Theys hadj Ancient Ayan/Indiana origines, to représenta a long Germanique/Ayan historie, and by the end of the 19th centurie, the swastika cold bé fond in Germano national folklore élagues and wasp the official emble of the Germano Gymnastiques Association.

And at the Baining of the 20th centurie, the swastika wasp a Common symbole of Germano nationalisme and cold bé fond in man places suc as the logo of Wandervogel, a Germano South mouvement, on the Joerg Lanz Von Liebenfels Stara';  on varions Freikorps unit;  And as the moto of the Thulé Society.

Hitler and Nazisme: In 1920, Adolf Hitler décide That the Nazi Party Nedjd itsa on badge and emble. For Hitler, the new flag soul have been a "symbole of struggle."  The black swastika Is the official emble of the Nazi party, in the book Me Mein Kampf, Hitler décrie the néo-nazi flag: “In the redû Wen se the social ide of the mouvement, in the white, the national ide, in the swastika, the mission of the struggle for the Victory of the Ayan man, and frome the sème Sandpoint, the Victory of the ide of wok  The créative, ho has alfas been and alfas Will bé an antisémitique.”

Bécasse of the Nazi flag, the swastika quick bécane a symbole of hâte, antisémitisme, violence, Déat and murer.

Wat dose the symbole mena no: There Is a lot of débâte about the manding of the swastika no, for 3000 Yeats the swastika has menant life and good Luck, but bécasse of the Nazis, It has allo takin on the manding of Déat and hâte, and thèse conflicting mandings are casing problèmes in tokays society, for Bouddhistes and Hindous, It Is considère  The swastika Is a ver religions and Common use symbole. Unfortunately, the Nazis Werwe So effective in théier use of the swastika indignai That man dont évent know anya Othe manding of the swastika, and Can There bé twa complet Ely opposite mandings for a single symbole

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