King of the first time
King of the first time
- At the time of the earth's first time, in time and place, a just king ruled in the east and west, and he had what he was.
He spread peace until he reached the east and west of the earth, so Dhul-Qarnayn was the king of the first time
On this ancient page of the first history, we will tell you the story of Dhu al-Qarnayn
Dhu al-Qarnayn is the name of a person mentioned in the Qur’an as a just person who roamed the entire earth calling for Islam and establishing justice
And it is proven by the people of knowledge and history that Dhul-Qarnayn was a Muslim who monotheistically with Allah and was from the Arabs.
Dhu al-Qarnayn is the king whom God gave him rule and power, so he built a great army and roamed the whole earth calling to God and establishing justice until he reached the setting sun in the big hot spring, and he found there people who worshiped the sun instead of God, so God inspired him that the command of the people is in his hand, so either he will punish them or he will punish them or He did good to them, so the good king showed his approach in the dream and declared that he would punish every unjust aggressor in the world, and as for whoever believes in God and fears God, He will honor him and do good to him, and he made a decision to take the right of the oppressed from the oppressor and support him for the truth, so it became the condition of the people
After the righteous king finished from the west, he moved to the east until he reached an area on which the sun rises, and it was an open land with no trees or heights, so the king ruled in the east like the west. And they were attacking a weak people without right and without mercy, when this people found a strong king, they asked him for help in repelling the people of Gog and Magog, so they were people of corruption in the land, and the people of that region did not have the strength to confront them or confront them
They asked Dhul-Qarnayn to build a dam for them in return for some money, and Zul-Qarnayn agreed to build the dam, but he refused to take any payment for that.
Zulkarnain used a distinctive engineering method in that, so he first collected pieces of iron and placed them in the gap so that the rubble equaled the two peaks of the two mountains, then he kindled a fire on the iron and poured molten copper on it, so that it fused completely and hardened, and the gap was closed and the road was cut off for Gog and Magog, so they could not demolish this dam After Dhul-Qarnayn finished this work, he looked at the dam and thanked God for his blessing and returned the favor to God, so pride and arrogance did not take him away, but he was thankful
The appearance of the people of Gog and Magog is considered one of the signs of the Great Hour, as they are a people of great strength, and not all nations feared to fight them, and no one was able to defeat them, until Dhul-Qarnayn came and made a great barrier against them that would not be opened except by God’s permission at the end of time, and from it they would come out, and no one would be spared from their oppression No one is able to stop them, and they remain in this state until the order comes from God, so He sends soldiers from Him to destroy them like a single soul.
God has hidden this dam, and no one knows where it is, so they can see us and we can't see them.
This place will remain hidden from our eyes until God Almighty wills