The story of the frog who wanted to fly

The story of the frog who wanted to fly

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The story of the frog who wanted to fly

Once upon a time, once upon a time, there was a little frog named Fred. Fred lived in a small pond in the forest, and he always dreamed of flying.

Farid was watching the birds flying in the sky, and he felt jealous of them. He wanted to fly like her, so he could see the world from above.

One day, Fred decided to try to fly. Fred climbed a tall tree and stood at the top. Then he took a deep breath and jumped into the air.

Fred flew a little, then fell to the ground. Fred was disappointed, but he didn't give up.

Fred tried again, and again, and again. But every time he fell to the ground.

One day, Fred was trying to fly, when he saw a little mouse running through the forest. The mouse ran very fast, almost hitting Fred.

Fred was surprised by the mouse and fell from the tree. But this time, Fred didn't fall to the ground. Rather, he fell into a fisherman's net.

The fisherman was happy because he caught a frog. The fisherman took the frog home and put it in a large pot.

Fred was very afraid, but he did not give up. Fred thought of a way to escape from the hunter.

Suddenly, Fred saw that there was an insect flying in the air. Fred thought of catching the insect and using it to fly.

Fred succeeded in catching the insect. Fred grabbed the insect tightly and began to fly.

Fred flew high in the sky, and he was very happy. Finally, his dream came true and he was able to fly.

Fred flew in the sky for hours, watching the world from above. Farid was feeling happy and joyful.

Finally, Fred felt tired and decided to go home. Fred descended from the sky and found himself in the forest.

The fisherman was looking for Fred, but he did not find him. The fisherman was very sad because he lost the frog.

Fred returned to a small pond, and lived there happily. Fred was happy that he was able to fulfill his dream and become a flying frog.

the end

The moral of the story:

We should never give up on achieving our dreams.
We must try again and again, until we can achieve our goals.

Educational values:

The value of persistence and determination.
The value of optimism and hope.

Comedy in the story:

Situation Comedy: In a situation, Fred falls from the tree into the hunter's net, and then manages to escape from the hunter by catching an insect.
Comedy of Words: In some dialogues between characters, such as the dialogue between Fred and the mouse.
Exaggerated Comedy: In some situations, such as Fred's ability to fly.

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