The tale of the sleeping princess
The tale of the sleeping princess

Once upon a time, there was a great king who married a beautiful and affectionate princess, and they had a son and he was a beautiful child. The king and all those present in the palace and the servant rejoiced in her, so the king held a grand ceremony to celebrate his child, and he was open to all the attendees and called on the elders, and at The end of the ceremony approached, and the invitees began to give gifts, so the elders approached the newborn and began to pray for her health and wellness and a life full of joys. The moment an old sheikh entered, the king forgot to call him, he became angry with them and prayed for the child not to live and die on her fortieth day, and all the invitees left the room. The party remained the king and the princess and her eyes filled with tears Guess what they will do
So the king gave news of who will remove this curse He will give him a reward, so the elders met and began to prepare an antidote to that curse for thirty days
So the elders came to the king, and they prepared an antidote, but not only to remove the curse, to put her to sleep until a prince came and fell in love with her, so the king gave orders to bring more antidote so that all the residents could drink it so that when the girl wakes up, she finds everything as it is, so everyone fell asleep, and after twenty years, a prince came from A far place wandering around, so he entered the king's palace and found a sleeping little princess, who was of splendor of beauty, so he admired her, so he touched her in her face, and the little princess woke up, and found a handsome prince next to her, so she admired him, so when she woke up, everyone woke up with her, and the king and princess rejoiced in waking up their daughter, then the king began By embracing the prince, and after spending the prince's time with the princess He asked the king for her hand, but his only request was that she live with them, so the prince accepted, so they got married and lived a life full of happiness