The secret of the granite sarcophagus located in the pyramid
The mystery of the granite sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid

On one side of the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of King Khufu) stands a pink granite box without a lid. Archaeologists call it a "coffin.""
A granite box (or coffin), regardless of its outer or inner surface, has no carving or writing, and has no resemblance to it, except for a granite box in the pyramid of Kafre.
Place the granite box on the north/south axis of the pyramid.
It is distinguished by its ability to produce resonant sounds when exposed to knocking.
The first thing that draws attention when examining the box and comparing its outer surface with the inner surface is that the inner surface is smooth. It has been meticulously polished, unlike the exterior, which seems rough and not smooth.
Although the granite box (or coffin) currently stands without a lid.
There is some evidence that the lid of the box existed in previous times.
At the top edge of the box there are traces of the presence of latches (protruding).
It is fixed to the wall of the box by interlocking.
There is a series of small circles (about the size of a coin).
It is carved in a row on one side along the length of the box.
These circles are recessed cavities in the body of the box
It was drilled with the aim of mounting the protruding parts of the cover using the "interlock" method.

The thickness of the granite coffin cover is estimated to be about 10-12 mm
Inch, its weight is about 2.25 tons.
The weight of the coffin (including the lid) is estimated at about 6 tons.
By examining the broken part of the granite box, archaeologists found it
The cover was removed from its place by force, and this happened with age
Old.Mainly in the era of the first transition (the end of the Old Kingdom).
There is no physical evidence that can tell what the box contains
Granite is inside.”
It is believed that the cover was removed for use elsewhere.
Pyramid sarcophagus
In 1581, a French official named Jean Palmelme visited the Great Pyramid and reported that the granite sarcophagus in the king's room made a ringing sound immediately after being struck with a fist. In the late 17th century, a reckless Englishman named Milton tried to hammer the coffin and break it. He reported that it sounded like a bell and echoed through the room. In the following years, other travelers reported a repetition of this phenomenon. The experience seems to have been learned from local residents who were working on guiding tourists.
Until recently, tour guides conducted this experiment in the room and created a ringing.
In 2001, British acoustic engineer John Reed published a long article after more serious measurements of this phenomenon. He said the room would resonate at about 121hz and the coffin would vibrate at 117hz. Note that the two figures are very close, taking into account that the coffin had been damaged in one of its corners, John Reed, in support of this idea that the coffin was originally agreed design, Mark Lerner describes the King's room, the room itself resembles a coffin and is made of red granite and echoes on the stairs of visitors. This is a phenomenon that all those who visit the king's room notice, especially if there are no tourists. This is a well-known phenomenon that occurs in free hollow bodies made of stone, glass or metal.

Many important phenomena in the sarcophagus of the king's room still need to be studied.
Unfortunately, all this will stop or be interrupted.
In 2023, the coffin was attached to the ground with mortar. The coffin weighs about 3 tons, it is very difficult to move it, and it does not happen for tourists who leaned on it or lay in it. The coffin has not been fixed for thousands of years and has responded to previous acoustic tests to understand its nature and function.
But installing it - although it seems simple - will change its nature. Resonance phenomena do not occur in the same way, and if it happens, it will be weak, and it will give different results and numbers.
Many seemingly marginal changes accumulate in the long term that affect the nature of the pyramid.