The land of Issoria, Chapter One

The land of Issoria, Chapter One

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A long time ago, in a land whose beauty is unmatched by any other

  Well, it is famous for its great palaces, its picturesque gardens, its sparkling waterfalls, and its ornate houses. Its streets are decorated with flowers of every kind and color, their scent remains in the memory and stirs your heart and soul, and butterflies are everywhere. When the sun shines, everything in it shines as if it were made of glass. It is truly a paradise above.  The land, called (Isoria), lived there a people who were distinguished by their strong constitution, steadfastness and courage, and none of the other kingdoms were able to approach them even one step. Adding to its charming beauty was the interest of its people in sciences, arts, decoration, and most importantly of all, a talent that they passed down through the generations, a talent or gift that is  The dignity of “magic” Yes, it is the magic that we see in stories. Each one of them has an ability independent of the rest. One of them controls water, the other fire, and there are those who see the future, and there are those who penetrate walls as if it were nothing...…


 Despite all this sophistication and the noble past that the people of Issoria are proud of, they do not accept any ordinary person, or if it is true to say, “he does not have magical powers.” If there is a person without magic, they immediately banish him. For them, any person without magic is not of their kind or  He is considered one of the people of Issoria. They expel him far away, and if he returns, they may execute him without thinking. They have exiled many people who were created without magic. Many families were expelled from the fortresses of Issoria in the past, and to this day they still apply this unjust law in the eyes of ordinary people who were expelled from their country without them.  They have no sin except that some of it came into this world without the gift of magic.

Behind the high walls of Issoria, deep in the dense forests, behind the great waterfalls, there is a small village called the village of the outcasts. Those who were exiled from Issoria are ordinary human beings, like all people in the world. They inhabited this village centuries ago, and no one to this day has tried to return to Issoria for fear.  Because of the oppression and anger of the witches, they chose to isolate themselves and reproduce in a land far away from every witch and witch…


 In the village, there is a small, old, worn-out house that is almost falling from its age, but it is beautiful if you look closely at it. It is decorated with flowers, Alia, that beautiful girl of eighteen years of age, Alia, who has hazel eyes and long black hair as black as coal after the fire fades, with white skin.  As white as snow, with cheeks as rosy as the color of roses, Alia is a short girl with long eyelashes, who has a kind heart and is beloved by everyone in the village, both old and young. She loves adventures and wandering in the forests…


 Alia opens her broken window and looks through it to meet the sunlight, its rays caressing her long hair. She closes her eyes: (What a beautiful day). She opens her eyes and sees Uncle Samuel the baker coming out of his bakery, humming as usual. Then Alia shouts: “Uncle Samuel, my first bake. The smell of your bread is not  She resists, my fat lover.” He replies to her, “Come, come, you with long eyelashes, you quarrelsome.” He grabs her by the ear, “So I’m fat, ha, ha.” Alya said in a pained voice, “No, no, I was joking with you. I noticed that you lost some weight this month.”


 Suddenly she hears her uncle's wife screaming (Where is this spoiled woman? She left all the housework and ran out automatically!)Aliaaaaa...…

So Alia runs towards the house quickly and finds her uncle’s wife at the door (Where have you been, princess’s servant) (I brought some bread, ma’am, and I have almost finished the cleaning work. I only have the courtyard of the house left!) (Hurry, finish the rest of the work and go to your sister’s room.  My crippled sister had wet herself. Alia threw what was in her hand and ran to her older sister, Maggie, who was crippled and mute, to change her underwear. Maggie was shedding tears every time Alia changed her undergarment, and Alia wiped her tears and sang to her (You are the soul, you are safety, you are  The sun of my life, and the medicine for my sorrows.) As for little Mary, she keeps watching Alya from afar, smiling (If it weren’t for you, Alya, what would we do?) So Alya hugs them both and repeats her famous saying (We are together like powerful magic that flows through the bloodstream that no human being can handle).


 Joy interrupts the uncle's wife as usual, "Come on, stop the drama, let's get to work quickly." Maggie, who is crippled, is purifying the vegetables, and little Mary goes to the well to fetch water, while Alia is the one who prepares the food.  As for the uncle’s wife, she goes to gossip with the neighbors…

 The village was quiet and everyone was doing their work. Some were planting, some were weaving, and others were working as a blacksmith. Everyone was satisfied with their lives and working hard for the village to prosper and life to continue in peace.

Alia went to check the firewood in the oven, but she found only a little coal, not enough to cook dinner. So she told her sister that she was going to the forest to get some firewood for dinner. The little girl said, “But the sun is about to set, Alia. How will you find the firewood in the dark?” Don’t be afraid, my love.  I have to get the firewood, otherwise we will be left without dinner and the lady will get angry. (I will be back quickly. Take care of Maggie in my absence. I will not be late. Understood.) Okay, Alya, please come back quickly.

 Alia went out and lit a torch from the fire and entered the forest. It was easy for her to penetrate it, as she knew all her ways. She headed to the river because there were some branches there. As soon as Alia reached the river, she felt that the ground was moving slowly. She could not believe it. She thought she felt dizzy due to hunger.  It was only moments before a strong earthquake struck the village that lasted for long minutes. Alia grabbed a rock that was near the river, and all her thoughts were about her two sisters and how to return to them quickly before something bad happened to them.…


 The earthquake subsided, so Alia got up with all her strength and ran home. She was fast and terrified. She was running and falling. Every time she got up, she fell again. As soon as she got up, she hit her leg on a stone and her head hit a tree. She lost consciousness in the dark forest. After a few moments, Alia began to wake up little by little, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she found...  An old old woman stared at her. Alia jumped up in horror. “Who are you? What do you want?  With your words (I am the one you are looking for, tell me please) The old woman turned to Alia (Your answer is not here. Go to Estoria, there you will find your answer) and the old woman disappeared as if she were a mirage.…

 Alia got up, still in shock from the earthquake, and did not pay any attention to the old woman. She thought she was imagining that because of her fall, her only concern was to reach her sisters.... Alia was running with tears in her eyes, and she was overcome with fear that her sisters had been afflicted with something bad…

 As soon as she arrived home, she froze in horror at what she saw…….

Follow soon……..

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