The prince of shadow Island

The prince of shadow Island

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The prince of Shadow Island 

Chapter 1 The king Ganga

In the one of an ancient era there was a small town in somewhere of India which simple people lived on selling some kinds of fruits and many people from different countries are coming to buying various kinds of fruits so this town had known by "town of fruits " and it's governed by the king Ganga.

One day there was an old ship in the Indian Ocean carrying one person with white skin, dark long hair, blue eyes this person called "prince Bernard Carter" actually he is a real prince of most beautiful island in somewhere of West Europe

which name is "shadow island " and he sailing behind some kind of illusions that he thought there was a treasure in somewhere of Far East and he expected India.


After one month he reached the Indian coast so he looked up discovering the horizon, He found something like trees over there so he said “what a good start" and he walked quickly to the town of fruits.

As soon as his feet dropped the town of fruits he was frozen at his point that he saw poor people and there was no kind of any fruits.

He said "oh I was in a wrong way” and he turned back but he found a group of poor people surrounded him so he spoke in English said: I got lost. But they shouted "foreigner......foreigner” We should be send him to our king “Ganga"

Guards took Prince Bernard to a way of the king;

he expected that there was a palace or some kind of royal staff. but he surprised when he get in a cave then guards pushed him down to stairs this moment prince Bernard was completely amazed


that he was in some where too large like a temple, walls carrying fire as lights and strange pictures with unknown symbols were drawn on it.

Guards said "stop here that's your limits” you mustn’t keep closer to the king.

Prince Bernard looked around trying to see the king Ganga but he saw that spot light with the sun rays come from the hole of the ceiling and on the floor there was something like reflected figure of a man sitting calm with closed eyes on the floor.

One Guard speak to that figure said " forgive us your highness we found that ......he shutting up when the figure said in a deep quiet voice without

opening his eyes " I know bring him " .

Guards pushed Prince Bernard to the king Ganga in fast movement then they stopped in ten feet

between them and the king Ganga who was sitting on the floor closed his eyes in a quiet state.

King Ganga said to his guard leave him and said to the Prince Bernard keep closer then sits down.

In completely obedience Prince Bernard did what his heard and asked himself "what kind of kings that king Ganga"?!

At this point he heard king Ganga speaking to him in a deep quiet voice without opening his eyes: “no doubt that you asking yourself what kind of kings that me “...right?

Bernard replied: right.

King Ganga: you saw the town had been eliminated, but I still the king by the power of all

people here because I had taught them how to planting fruits for a long time ago, so they made me a king because they feel that I am one of them and that’s truth

Bernard: that’s mean that you are a farmer?

King Ganga: yes.. Right.

Bernard: it's my first time seeing a farmer as a king.

King Ganga: it’s the difference between cultures.. So what’s your name?

Bernard: my name is Prince Bernard Carter.

King Ganga: well, tell me it was a long journey?

Bernard: yes, I came from west Europe.

When the king Ganga heard that he raised his head and opened his eyes and said in surprise “so it's you".

Prince Bernard was afraid but he said: it's me?!! I can't understand what you are talking about?

King Ganga: you came looking for the treasure... right?

Bernard: yes but how could you know?

King Ganga: it was a myth saying that white man will come from far distance after we become poor and he will return our lives back to us.

Prince Bernard: what you mean by became poor?

King Ganga said in a sad voice: we were very beautiful town we planted all kinds of fruits..... Although we not have much money but we were rich by what we do and we unique in our field. He raised his finger and keeps talking:

In the other side behind the ocean there was a very big castle of bad great king called "Mahwaan " that king come from somewhere of north Asia one day driving monsters by his evil magic ,he destroyed our town and other towns around ,nobody can stop him .

Prince Bernard: ah now I understand that you need the treasure to return your town back.

King Ganga: no.... all treasures of the world can't returning us back.

Prince Bernard: what?!

King Ganga: yes .

Prince Bernard: so what can I do for you?

King Ganga: co operation

Bernard: clear please!

King Ganga: I think you need me and asked him  that : do you know this? He gives him a half of very old map.

Bernard said in a great surprise: what?! What?! You have a half map ...he surprised because he kept the other half of the same map in his pocket so he said: it wasn't an illusion its truth.

King Ganga: you are the chosen as the myth said.

Prince Bernard: if you don't want the treasure what do you want exactly?

King Ganga: I need a small case beside the treasure box.

Bernard: what in this case?

King Ganga: it contains two kinds of seeds one of them are magic seeds and the other is evil seeds.

We need magic seeds to get our glory back and evil

seeds to fight evil great king Mahwaan by spread it in the garden of his castle it will be growing up immediately converted to monsters plants this is the only weapon can finish Mahwaan.

Prince Bernard: ah just now I understand.

King Ganga: look at the map this lines guide us to the treasure place it was in a temple in a great mountain behind China Sea.

This is a dangerous place heavily guarded in additional to a lot of risks you will faced on your

way so you will need some devices to protect yourself.

King Ganga just point to his servant who brought a plate put it in front of Bernard and kind Ganga

said to him " here you are " Bernard looked at the plate to see an apple, banana ,grapevine ,plums so he said : thanks I 'm not hungry .

King Ganga laughed and said: it’s not as you think

it's your defenders.

Bernard: how?

King Ganga: this apple if you threw it strongly it will be a ball of fire it will spread big scale of fire make you defeat much number of enemies,

This banana if you hold it and move your hand like a circle it will be changed to dagger make you finish any fight by one touch,

This grapevine in the dark will convert to a shine lamp make you see every things in the dark

And finally these plums if you threw it strongly to the floor it will be a mass of smoke make you disappear and escape from danger.

So I wish you good luck Bernard.

Bernard: I am not afraid because I will do something more precious than treasure.

King Ganga: I am sure.

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