Some devices to me before you 🫣
Hello every body .it's my first time to writing an article in English .so if i wrong in anything forgive me.
I heared in English country somethings i love to discuss it with you to correct my information and thank you .
How you treat with a Muslim girl? Like one of you or not
Are in your country you need to work hard to become rich or the gain of money is easy ?
As for you as a girl, is wearing revealing clothes always normal or not?
Are you have any law about the winery or not ?
Are you love Arab people or not ? Especially Egyptian 🫣
i wish you ask my question .I'll talk to you about my country and about me if you interested .
I'm Egyptian girl . Now l study medicine. If course you wander !why i tell you that . I have some device to you .if you don't know in my country you should study hard on your high school stage to enter to any college you want . So that's not easy to any one to enter the medical field if you don't got high score .
So the moral in my story if any one want to become success he or she should study hard .they should become series the thing they want . Every body have an intelligent in some thing don't become lazy and forget your gift .don't blame the others to your mistake .be always strong .be always happy to your achieve Even if it's a small thing.and in your success don't forget the people who stand with you on your sadness.,on your nervousness, on your anxiety . don't forget your family your mother because she always make sure to make you happy .to care you when you sick.your dad when he always work hard to make you good with your friends .
Good by my lovers ❤️